Marble vs. Quartz Benchtops: Which Works Better?

Sam Street
 | February 8, 2024

When it comes to selecting the perfect benchtops for your kitchen, the choices can be overwhelming. Two popular materials in Melbourne’s vibrant home renovation scene are marble and quartz. Both offer unique benefits and a touch of luxury to any kitchen space.

GIA Bathrooms & Kitchens, a leader in kitchen renovations and design, brings you an in-depth comparison to help you decide whether marble or quartz is the right choice for your home.

Marble Benchtops: Timeless Elegance

Marble has long been revered for its stunning natural beauty and elegance. Each slab of marble is unique, featuring intricate veining and a variety of hues that can complement any kitchen style. Its natural coolness is particularly advantageous for bakers, as it’s ideal for rolling out pastry dough.

However, when considering porcelain vs marble countertops, it’s essential to note that marble, despite its beauty, requires more maintenance. It’s porous, making it susceptible to stains and etching from acidic substances – regular sealing is recommended to preserve its pristine appearance. The cost of marble vs porcelain can be higher, but marble’s unparalleled elegance often justifies the investment for many Melbourne households.

Quartz Benchtops: Modern Durability

Quartz, on the other hand, is a man-made product composed of natural quartz and polymer resins. This composition makes quartz countertops incredibly durable and non-porous, resisting stains and scratches better than marble. The uniformity in colour and pattern provided by quartz offers a more consistent look, which is often a selling point for modern kitchen designs.

In the debate of porcelain vs marble cost, quartz typically falls in-between, offering a balance of affordability and luxury. Its low maintenance requirements – no sealing is needed – and long-lasting durability make it a practical choice for busy kitchens.

Marble vs Quartz: Making the Choice

Deciding between marble and quartz often comes down to lifestyle and aesthetic preferences. If you’re drawn to the natural, unique beauty of stone and don’t mind a bit more maintenance, marble could be your ideal choice. For those prioritising durability and ease of care, quartz is an excellent option.

Consider the overall theme of your kitchen renovation – marble offers a classic, luxurious feel that’s hard to replicate, while quartz provides a sleek, modern look that’s incredibly versatile. 

Cost Considerations

While discussing marble versus porcelain in terms of cost, it’s important to consider long-term value. Marble may require a higher initial investment and ongoing maintenance costs. Quartz, known for its resilience, can offer more value over time with minimal upkeep. For a detailed cost breakdown, our team at GIA Bathrooms & Kitchens can provide tailored advice for your specific project.

Marble vs. Quartz Kitchen Benchtops – Final Thoughts

Whether you choose marble or quartz for your kitchen benchtops, both materials bring their unique charm and advantages. At GIA Bathrooms & Kitchens, we understand the importance of choosing the right materials for your space. Our expertise in kitchen renovations, from pantry organising to custom kitchen cabinets, ensures that every aspect of your kitchen is thoughtfully considered and beautifully executed.

Embark on your kitchen renovation journey with confidence, knowing that whether you choose the timeless elegance of marble or the modern resilience of quartz, GIA Bathrooms & Kitchens is here to guide you every step of the way.

Picture of Sam Street

Sam Street

Construction Manager

Sam is a qualified carpenter that has been working in the construction industry for the past thirteen years, both in Australia and abroad. With over a decade of experience, Sam has gained an extensive knowledge of the residential construction space.


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